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Ramadan is celebrated in the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. In Ramadan, the last 10 days of Ramadan are special and it is called the “night of power”.Ramadan is a month of forgiving and worship, where every Muslim gets closer to God. Celebrating Ramadan is a way to honor Muhammad (PBUH) and develop more self-control, and celebrated as a time of charity and thanksgiving with friends and families.

Fasting is a pious practice in Islamic culture. Fasting reminds Muslims of the suffering poor; also, it helps Muslims gain self-control and cleanses the body and mind. The meaning of fasting is to be abstained from eating, drinking, and any sinful acts during the daytime. Ramadan is a month of purification, so anything that is done like cursing and backbiting somebody can break the fast.

Eid marks the end of Ramadan and is celebrated with vigor, as food and family become central themes, acting as a continuation of Ramadan. When Eid comes about, you can wish someone a Happy Eid, you can say Eid Mubarak.

Written by: KOODORUTH Bibi Aliya




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