“You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible.”
The above is actually the gist of the book. I strongly believe that every moment in life greatly matters. No one knows when the next moment of their life is going to be taken away from them therefore it is most wisely that we live in the present for ourselves.
As an overall, Jojo Moyes’ 'Me Before You' introduces us to Louisa Clark, a light hearted, carefree, always ‘beaming’ woman who believes she has it all in life: a happy family, a great job and the perfect boyfriend. The loss of this ‘great’ job pushes her to unexpectedly meet Will Traynor who is wheelchair-bound after an accident.
This novel fits perfectly in the grumpy-sunshine trope which will make you smile like a fool a minute and cry your eyes out the other.
'Me Before You' comes in a trilogy and I’d recommend reading 'After You' and 'Still me only' if you want to understand what happens in Louisa’s life after Will. However, if you bond with Will and Lou’s story, read only the first book as this is where it all starts and ends.
'Me Before You' stayed with me for months after reading it. I can't count the amounts of time I cried happy and sad tears with this story because it was simply heartbreakingly beautiful.
It unveiled pure love and its beautiful nature but also harsh realities of life. This is the story of two people who bump into each other by chance and change each other's life for the better. I still get goosebumps and smile whenever I see its cover and it's fair to say, thoroughly engaging and thought provoking, this is one of the best books I've read so far.
The question in this book, as Moyes put it, is simply "What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart? "
Review: Krishika Lockee
Web editor: Luvlynn Bholah