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Introduction of academies with mixed gender schooling:


This particular school calendar 2021 marks the arrival of academies whereby both boys and girls are having the opportunity of getting the same education as their peers from the opposite gender in the same compound in comparison to same-gender colleges. However, this modern style of schooling can still bring along some challenges.

Our newest DMC students from Grade 10 have expressed their thoughts on the matter:

How do you think co-educational institutions will bring a change to society?

Well boys and girls will learn to co-habitate together which might help them in the future especially in their workplace…

-Darshita Nowrung 10S1

I think co education is actually better for the new generation as nowadays students can be encouraged to adopt gender equality since men and women have the same opportunities which also mean both should same academic experience.

-Ayush Erkadoo 10S1

Do you personally agree with this decision of co-educational schools?

At first I was sceptical about it but then, it was proven to be a good decision to be able to build up communication and mutual respect among boys and girls.

-Haniyyah Chaumoo 10S1

Is the teaching in academies different from same gender schools ?

Teaching in academies is way better for students as they have more competition and also feel at ease with the opposite gender. Also as boys and girls work together, more learning techniques could be implemented.

-Ayush Erkadoo 10S1

It was a bit awkward at first because both teachers and students were adapting to the change but I feel like now, they are more comfortable with the presence of the opposite gender.

-Narmadha Canoosamy 10E2

Were you willing to come to DMC when you got the results?

Yes, even before I got my results!

-Govinda Rowjee 10M

Actually, I was really ecstatic when I found out as coming here was my first choice although I knew it was mixed.

-Haniyyah Chaumoo 10S1

As a girl, it’s a dream come true to attend one of the best girls’ schools of the country, now turned into an academy.

-Narmadha Canoosamy 10E2

How did you find the first term, being in a mixed school?

It was rough as I was adapting.

-Darshita Nowrung 10S1

It was pretty much being in a limbo as I was getting used the environment and especially as I just left a boys-only school but eventually I started getting used to it.

-Ayush Erkadoo 10 S1

According to you, why did the government of Mauritius launch mix gender schooling for academies ?

Maybe because there was a lack of co-educational institutions in the country.

-Govinda Rowjee 10M

I believe it was for a good purpose, like to encourage gender equality through co-education.

-Haniyyah Chaumoo 10S1

An additional question for the boys, how do you feel being the minority gender group in our school?

I’m totally fine with that !!

-Govinda Rowjee 10M

For the moment being, I feel comfortable as there are only two grades attending school because of the COVID-19 staggered situation. However, on the first few days of school, it was really awkward, like mostly everywhere I walked I was feeling nervous and scared because of the looks I got. But with time, I started to get along with the running of DMC and it’s been a part of me ever since. But when school will be back to normal, every student will be at school so I don’t know how this is going to be! Also the Grade 12 students seem to be really friendly, they welcomed the new Grade 10 students in a positive approach.

-Sufyaan Bocus 10S1

Interviewer : Sufyaan Bocus, Writer: Shanna Venkatasawmy Editor: Valligan Simran.

Urvi Elliah

Photography: Nishta Punnigadu


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